const chatInput = document.querySelector("#chat-input");
const sendButton = document.querySelector("#send-btn");
const chatContainer = document.querySelector(".chat-container");
const themeButton = document.querySelector("#theme-btn");
const deleteButton = document.querySelector("#delete-btn");
const API_KEY = "PASTE-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"; // Paste your API key here
const loadDataFromLocalstorage = () => {
// Load saved chats and theme from local storage and apply/add on the page
const themeColor = localStorage.getItem("themeColor");
document.body.classList.toggle("light-mode", themeColor === "light_mode");
themeButton.innerText = document.body.classList.contains("light-mode") ? "dark_mode" : "light_mode";
const defaultText = `<div class="default-text">
<p>Start a conversation and explore the power of AI.<br> Your chat history will be displayed here.</p>
chatContainer.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("all-chats") || defaultText;
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight); // Scroll to bottom of the chat container
const createChatElement = (content, className) => {
// Create new div and apply chat, specified class and set html content of div
const chatDiv = document.createElement("div");
chatDiv.classList.add("chat", className);
chatDiv.innerHTML = content;
return chatDiv; // Return the created chat div
const getChatResponse = async (incomingChatDiv) => {
const API_URL = "";
const pElement = document.createElement("p");
// Define the properties and data for the API request
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${API_KEY}`
model: "text-davinci-003",
// Send POST request to API, get response and set the reponse as paragraph element text
const response = await (await fetch(API_URL, requestOptions)).json();
pElement.textContent = response.choices[0].text.trim();
} catch (error) { // Add error class to the paragraph element and set error text
pElement.textContent = "Oops! Something went wrong while retrieving the response. Please try again.";
// Remove the typing animation, append the paragraph element and save the chats to local storage
localStorage.setItem("all-chats", chatContainer.innerHTML);
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
const copyResponse = (copyBtn) => {
// Copy the text content of the response to the clipboard
const reponseTextElement = copyBtn.parentElement.querySelector("p");
copyBtn.textContent = "done";
setTimeout(() => copyBtn.textContent = "content_copy", 1000);
const showTypingAnimation = () => {
// Display the typing animation and call the getChatResponse function
const html = `<div class="chat-content">
<div class="chat-details">
<img src="images/chatbot.jpg" alt="chatbot-img">
<div class="typing-animation">
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.2s"></div>
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.3s"></div>
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.4s"></div>
<span onclick="copyResponse(this)" class="material-symbols-rounded">content_copy</span>
// Create an incoming chat div with typing animation and append it to chat container
const incomingChatDiv = createChatElement(html, "incoming");
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
const handleOutgoingChat = () => {
userText = chatInput.value.trim(); // Get chatInput value and remove extra spaces
if(!userText) return; // If chatInput is empty return from here
// Clear the input field and reset its height = `${initialInputHeight}px`;
const html = `<div class="chat-content">
<div class="chat-details">
<img src="images/user.jpg" alt="user-img">
// Create an outgoing chat div with user's message and append it to chat container
const outgoingChatDiv = createChatElement(html, "outgoing");
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
setTimeout(showTypingAnimation, 500);
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Remove the chats from local storage and call loadDataFromLocalstorage function
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all the chats?")) {
themeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Toggle body's class for the theme mode and save the updated theme to the local storage
localStorage.setItem("themeColor", themeButton.innerText);
themeButton.innerText = document.body.classList.contains("light-mode") ? "dark_mode" : "light_mode";
const initialInputHeight = chatInput.scrollHeight;
chatInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
// Adjust the height of the input field dynamically based on its content = `${initialInputHeight}px`; = `${chatInput.scrollHeight}px`;
chatInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
// If the Enter key is pressed without Shift and the window width is larger
// than 800 pixels, handle the outgoing chat
if (e.key === "Enter" && !e.shiftKey && window.innerWidth > 800) {
sendButton.addEventListener("click", handleOutgoingChat);
const chatInput = document.querySelector("#chat-input");
const sendButton = document.querySelector("#send-btn");
const chatContainer = document.querySelector(".chat-container");
const themeButton = document.querySelector("#theme-btn");
const deleteButton = document.querySelector("#delete-btn");
let userText = null;
const API_KEY = "PASTE-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"; // Paste your API key here
const loadDataFromLocalstorage = () => {
// Load saved chats and theme from local storage and apply/add on the page
const themeColor = localStorage.getItem("themeColor");
document.body.classList.toggle("light-mode", themeColor === "light_mode");
themeButton.innerText = document.body.classList.contains("light-mode") ? "dark_mode" : "light_mode";
const defaultText = `<div class="default-text">
<h1>ChatGPT Clone</h1>
<p>Start a conversation and explore the power of AI.<br> Your chat history will be displayed here.</p>
chatContainer.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("all-chats") || defaultText;
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight); // Scroll to bottom of the chat container
const createChatElement = (content, className) => {
// Create new div and apply chat, specified class and set html content of div
const chatDiv = document.createElement("div");
chatDiv.classList.add("chat", className);
chatDiv.innerHTML = content;
return chatDiv; // Return the created chat div
const getChatResponse = async (incomingChatDiv) => {
const API_URL = "";
const pElement = document.createElement("p");
// Define the properties and data for the API request
const requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${API_KEY}`
body: JSON.stringify({
model: "text-davinci-003",
prompt: userText,
max_tokens: 2048,
temperature: 0.2,
n: 1,
stop: null
// Send POST request to API, get response and set the reponse as paragraph element text
try {
const response = await (await fetch(API_URL, requestOptions)).json();
pElement.textContent = response.choices[0].text.trim();
} catch (error) { // Add error class to the paragraph element and set error text
pElement.textContent = "Oops! Something went wrong while retrieving the response. Please try again.";
// Remove the typing animation, append the paragraph element and save the chats to local storage
localStorage.setItem("all-chats", chatContainer.innerHTML);
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
const copyResponse = (copyBtn) => {
// Copy the text content of the response to the clipboard
const reponseTextElement = copyBtn.parentElement.querySelector("p");
copyBtn.textContent = "done";
setTimeout(() => copyBtn.textContent = "content_copy", 1000);
const showTypingAnimation = () => {
// Display the typing animation and call the getChatResponse function
const html = `<div class="chat-content">
<div class="chat-details">
<img src="images/chatbot.jpg" alt="chatbot-img">
<div class="typing-animation">
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.2s"></div>
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.3s"></div>
<div class="typing-dot" style="--delay: 0.4s"></div>
<span onclick="copyResponse(this)" class="material-symbols-rounded">content_copy</span>
// Create an incoming chat div with typing animation and append it to chat container
const incomingChatDiv = createChatElement(html, "incoming");
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
const handleOutgoingChat = () => {
userText = chatInput.value.trim(); // Get chatInput value and remove extra spaces
if(!userText) return; // If chatInput is empty return from here
// Clear the input field and reset its height
chatInput.value = ""; = `${initialInputHeight}px`;
const html = `<div class="chat-content">
<div class="chat-details">
<img src="images/user.jpg" alt="user-img">
// Create an outgoing chat div with user's message and append it to chat container
const outgoingChatDiv = createChatElement(html, "outgoing");
chatContainer.scrollTo(0, chatContainer.scrollHeight);
setTimeout(showTypingAnimation, 500);
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Remove the chats from local storage and call loadDataFromLocalstorage function
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all the chats?")) {
themeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Toggle body's class for the theme mode and save the updated theme to the local storage
localStorage.setItem("themeColor", themeButton.innerText);
themeButton.innerText = document.body.classList.contains("light-mode") ? "dark_mode" : "light_mode";
const initialInputHeight = chatInput.scrollHeight;
chatInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
// Adjust the height of the input field dynamically based on its content = `${initialInputHeight}px`; = `${chatInput.scrollHeight}px`;
chatInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
// If the Enter key is pressed without Shift and the window width is larger
// than 800 pixels, handle the outgoing chat
if (e.key === "Enter" && !e.shiftKey && window.innerWidth > 800) {
sendButton.addEventListener("click", handleOutgoingChat);