const popup = document.querySelector(".popup"),
wifiIcon = document.querySelector(".icon i"),
popupTitle = document.querySelector(".popup .title"),
popupDesc = document.querySelector(".desc"),
reconnectBtn = document.querySelector(".reconnect");
let isOnline = true, intervalId, timer = 10;
const checkConnection = async () => {
// Try to fetch random data from the API. If the status code is between
// 200 and 300, the network connection is considered online
const response = await fetch("");
isOnline = response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300;
isOnline = false; // If there is an error, the connection is considered offline
const handlePopup = (status) => {
if(status) { // If the status is true (online), update icon, title, and description accordingly
wifiIcon.className = "uil uil-wifi";
popupTitle.innerText = "Restored Connection";
popupDesc.innerHTML = "Your device is now successfully connected to the internet.";
return setTimeout(() => popup.classList.remove("show"), 2000);
// If the status is false (offline), update the icon, title, and description accordingly
wifiIcon.className = "uil uil-wifi-slash";
popupTitle.innerText = "Lost Connection";
popupDesc.innerHTML = "Your network is unavailable. We will attempt to reconnect you in <b>10</b> seconds.";
popup.className = "popup show";
intervalId = setInterval(() => { // Set an interval to decrease the timer by 1 every second
if(timer === 0) checkConnection(); // If the timer reaches 0, check the connection again
popup.querySelector(".desc b").innerText = timer;
// Only if isOnline is true, check the connection status every 3 seconds
setInterval(() => isOnline && checkConnection(), 3000);
reconnectBtn.addEventListener("click", checkConnection);
const popup = document.querySelector(".popup"),
wifiIcon = document.querySelector(".icon i"),
popupTitle = document.querySelector(".popup .title"),
popupDesc = document.querySelector(".desc"),
reconnectBtn = document.querySelector(".reconnect");
let isOnline = true, intervalId, timer = 10;
const checkConnection = async () => {
try {
// Try to fetch random data from the API. If the status code is between
// 200 and 300, the network connection is considered online
const response = await fetch("");
isOnline = response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300;
} catch (error) {
isOnline = false; // If there is an error, the connection is considered offline
timer = 10;
const handlePopup = (status) => {
if(status) { // If the status is true (online), update icon, title, and description accordingly
wifiIcon.className = "uil uil-wifi";
popupTitle.innerText = "Restored Connection";
popupDesc.innerHTML = "Your device is now successfully connected to the internet.";
return setTimeout(() => popup.classList.remove("show"), 2000);
// If the status is false (offline), update the icon, title, and description accordingly
wifiIcon.className = "uil uil-wifi-slash";
popupTitle.innerText = "Lost Connection";
popupDesc.innerHTML = "Your network is unavailable. We will attempt to reconnect you in <b>10</b> seconds.";
popup.className = "popup show";
intervalId = setInterval(() => { // Set an interval to decrease the timer by 1 every second
if(timer === 0) checkConnection(); // If the timer reaches 0, check the connection again
popup.querySelector(".desc b").innerText = timer;
}, 1000);
// Only if isOnline is true, check the connection status every 3 seconds
setInterval(() => isOnline && checkConnection(), 3000);
reconnectBtn.addEventListener("click", checkConnection);